Just sayin'
a journal about just leading
How does leadership help you embrace your human-side?
Earlier year, I decided to speak up and write more often about leadership. Previously I've been a bit reluctant to add to the myriad of books, blogs, podcasts and research reports in the world. But I think there's a gap in the conversation about the deceptively hard...
Why is building teams so hard?
It's a continuous challenge to build a team that consistently performs well. There may be plenty of examples of great teams to aspire to. Limitless theories of what makes a high performing team. Any number of tools we can use to help us. Yet, it's one of the biggest...
How well do you know yourself? And, what we can learn from Harry Burns.
According to Harry Burns in the movie Harry Met Sally (1989), there are three types of women. High maintenance, low maintenance, and high maintenance women who think that they are low maintenance. Chauvinism aside, Harry has good insight into human nature. How much...
Empowerment, where to begin
When it comes to leadership, I believe that it’s all about people standing for something and having the courage to follow through. If asked, that’s the answer that I give when people ask me to define what leadership is. That something can be a belief, a goal, a...
What’s your agenda?
At the turn of this year, an Ideolog article caught my eye about the social issues New Zealand’s CEOs are championing in 2019, especially these words. “…this is the era of activist businesses that make it their company’s mission to create social change…” It...
The pains of speaking up
Speak up, why don't you? --- Being deep conversation is one of the most intimate and rewarding human experiences. All that talking, listening, connecting is a powerful force. That said, the introvert in me loves nothing better than quiet conversations on my...
Just the Start
To begin is to lead. To start. To make change happen. To make progress. Take action. Whether you are shaking things up or creating stuff from scratch, it's taking the initiative that counts. It's natural to want the right conditions to get going. To be...
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