Our aim is simple.
To humanise leadership.Here’s our agenda. We all have one, right?
For us, it all begins with leadership.
Without it, nothing gets started. Nothing gets finished. Nothing changes. Leading isn’t always easy. But it has to happen.
Leadership is action. In our experience, there is leadership, there are leaders – and then there are people who just lead.
These are the creatives, the innovators, the change makers, the agitators, the entrepreneurial people. They don’t need hierarchies or a title to realise their ambition. They don’t need a blueprint of what’s been done before. They don’t need glory or credit. They only need to believe in something that is bigger than they are – a goal, a greater good, the people around them.
As they work toward this bigger picture, others naturally start to do the same. When people just lead, other people just follow – status quo be damned.
Leading this way isn’t easy. It requires faith – lots of it.
Faith in your abilities. Faith in the bigger picture. Faith in the people around you. There are no foolproof blueprints or quick fixes. You can’t learn the way from just knowing, it’s all about the doing. Leading others means getting down and dirty with the personal. No successful business will ever escape the strange, messy glory of being human. Trying to do it all on your own is not impossible but it’s harder and can be lonely. That’s where we come in. Just Lead helps people who build businesses be entrepreneurial leaders.
We guide them to use their human sense to build their business with drive, grit, creative discipline and humility. We’re all about working with strengths, the idiosyncrasies and imperfections of people – not around them. Our approach is hands-on and holistic. We don’t believe in the one-size-fits-all wisdom and we don’t bombard you with jargon.
Every person and business is unique and we craft our approach accordingly. We change and learn as you do. We believe when it comes to starting and growing a business leading is not just for leaders. It’s for everyone. When you shape and grow individuals, they usually find a way to take care of the rest.
It’s all about the people. People shaping people in a human-friendly way.

How Just Lead is different
We specialise in helping business starters, business builders and change makers. If you don’t want to make a big impact in the world, we’re probably not the right fit for you.
Most people relate to leadership as the domain of leaders. We know that you can’t be a creative and entrepreneurial person without being a leader. So, for us, leadership is everyone’s business.
Just Lead helps people to be creatively satisfied with their work. We help make innovation and creativity happen. We turbo-charge problem solvers, idea generators and creative thinkers necessary to thrive in the topsy-turvy, go-go-go world we live in today.
We think of leadership in simple human ways – in terms of thinking, feeling, talking and doing.
Just Lead was Founded in 2017 by Julie Treanor, a socially enterprising
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